Danielle's Story
I cannot thank her enough for having the strength to share.
“I have decided to give up pumping and trying to breastfeed.
They say that there are parts of labor that no one talks about and that you're blindsided by, but there's also a whole other thing that awaits after the birth It's breastfeeding -it has been the most challenging part of motherhood for me so far.
I was warned that because I had Inverted Nipples breastfeeding would be a challenge, but I was also told there are tons of tricks to make it work... Because I knew this would not be easy, I hired a lactation consultant beforehand so that within 24 hours of bring home we could get some hands on help.
We had to supplement with a bottle right away [due to jaundice and dehydration]. Similtaniously my LC had taught me to use a Nipple Shield. This is a silicon suction nipple that you have to leverage on to your nipple and then get the baby to latch on. Sounds simple.
Now, get your nipple out from being inverted with the pump first, now its hard, now turn the shield inside out. Now flip it on to nipple so it suctions, now stimulate your milk to drop all while your starving child screams and you have had 3 hours sleep in 24 hours. Is there even any milk in there? oh wait the shield fell off. Ok, try it again, Hubby hand me the Nipple Shield. Shit Samaya is screaming even louder now. She is so mad. Omg, she wont latch, give me the bottle....Every single time.
I feel a sense of shame and embarrassment that my body is failing me. That something that is supposed to be natural to a woman and accepted by everyone else- isn't natural at all for me.
And there is no "right way" or the strong female way". Sometimes what's right for you and your family outweighs all that bullshit. My first lesson in motherhood has become trusting myself, creating a foundation of self love that I can serve my family from. “
Read the rest of Danielle’s story here. 💫
📷 by @mamanielaphoto ---https://mamaniela.co