A huge factor in deciding whether or not to hire help can be money. First and foremost, please know that I am always happy to work on sliding scale or do payments plans, just ask! Secondly, it can be helpful to see exactly where your money goes and why I set prices the way I do.

  • Prenatals - In order for us to build trust and be a source of support and education for clients, I make it a point to have at least 2-3 prenatals with more if needed.

  • Living Wage (Birthwork is full time work for me!)

  • Continued Education

  • Equipment

  • Childcare

  • Gas

  • Parking

  • The ability to offer sliding scale and pro bono to those that truly need it - This one is really important to me. By redistributing wealth in a communal way, it allows me to support families that I otherwise would not monetarily be able to.